jueves, septiembre 30, 2004
algunos anuncios de jueves al mediodía
The national Feminist and Women?s Studies Association (FWSA) is seekingto appoint an administrative assistant. This part-time post will involveup to five hours a week at £8 per hour. Duties will include creating andmaintaining the FWSA website, preparing the agenda and taking minutes atmeetings, liaising with members and updating the database. Second-classtravel expenses to meetings in London will be paid (n.b. travel timedoes not count as working hours).Applicants should have experience of HTML, web design, Microsoft Wordand Microsoft Access (although some training will be provided in thelatter), as well as some administrative experience and regular access toa computer and the Internet. The successful applicant will possess agreat deal of initiative and be able to work without direct supervision.This post is for a year in the first instance, with a three monthprobationary period, and would be ideal for a postgraduate. Thepostholder will be responsible to Dr Stacy Gillis (FWSA co-chair) in theDepartment of English, University of Newcastle.The closing date is October 1st ? to apply, send a CV and a letter ofapplication, explaining why you are suited for this post, tostacy.gillis@ncl.ac.uk .
CALL FOR PAPERSWomen and International Development ForumMichigan State University's Women and International Development (WID)program announces the re-launching of its WID Forum series. The WID Forumpublishes peer-reviewed manuscripts that bridge the gap between gender anddevelopment research, policy, and practice. Through brief research reports,project analysis, and policy briefs, WID Forum papers contribute to existinggender and development scholarship in order to influence policy andprogramming.The WID Forum is currently accepting manuscripts for review. With anemphasis on women and gender in the global South, the WID Forum invitestheoretically grounded manuscripts with applied orientations. Possibletopics include but are not limited to:* Law, legislation, and gender* Governmental policy (e.g. trade, adjustment, immigration) andgender* Gender-sensitive economic surveys* Evaluating program or project "success"* Proposed solutions to gender issues or problemsIf you are interested in submitting a manuscript to the WID Forum series,please send a 150 word abstract summarizing the paper's essential points andfindings to Dr. Anne Ferguson, Editor and Tara Hefferan, Managing Editor atpapers@msu.edu.If the abstract suggests your paper is suitable for the WID Forum, the fullpaper will be invited for peer review and publication consideration. Onlyinvited papers will be considered; unsolicited manuscripts will be rejectedwithout review.Women and International Development Program206 Center for International ProgramsMichigan State UniversityEast Lansing, MI 48824-1035, USA(517) 353-5040; fax (517) 432-4845www.isp.msu.edu/widpapers@msu.eduCALL FOR PAPERSWorking Papers on Women and International DevelopmentMichigan State University's Women and International Development (WID)program publishes Working Papers on Women and International Development, apeer-reviewed series examining the relationships between gender and globaltransformation and exploring processes of change, in the broadest sense.Presenting new understandings of women's ever-changing economic, social, andpolitical positions, Working Papers offer theoretically grounded analysis ofempirical research in order to contribute to existing literatures on genderand international development.The Working Papers series is currently accepting manuscripts for review.With a focus on women and gender in the global South, the Working Papersseries invites manuscripts that explore gender in relation to historical andcontemporary economic and political spheres. Possible topics include butare not limited to:* Gender, violence, and human rights* Gender and agriculture* Gender dimensions of globalization and transnationalism* Gender, health, and healthcare* Gender and environment* Gender and social movements* Masculinities and international development* Fertility and reproduction* Intra- and inter-family roles and relationshipsIf you are interested in submitting a manuscript to the Working Papersseries, please send a 150 word abstract summarizing the paper's essentialpoints and findings to Dr. Anne Ferguson, Editor, and Tara Hefferan,Managing Editor, at papers@msu.edu.If the abstract suggests your paper is suitable for the Working Papers, thefull paper will be invited for peer review and publication consideration.Only invited papers will be considered for publication; no unsolicitedmanuscripts will be considered.Women and International Development Program206 Center for International ProgramsMichigan State UniversityEast Lansing, MI 48824-1035, USAPhone: (517) 353-5040Fax: (517) 432-4845Website: http://www.isp.msu.edu/widE-mail: papers@msu.edu
First edition hardcover of The Western Lands by William S. Burroughs, published by Viking in 1987. The title page is signed by the author and dated "12/17/87".http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=29223&item=6929795181
Good fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
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The national Feminist and Women?s Studies Association (FWSA) is seekingto appoint an administrative assistant. This part-time post will involveup to five hours a week at £8 per hour. Duties will include creating andmaintaining the FWSA website, preparing the agenda and taking minutes atmeetings, liaising with members and updating the database. Second-classtravel expenses to meetings in London will be paid (n.b. travel timedoes not count as working hours).Applicants should have experience of HTML, web design, Microsoft Wordand Microsoft Access (although some training will be provided in thelatter), as well as some administrative experience and regular access toa computer and the Internet. The successful applicant will possess agreat deal of initiative and be able to work without direct supervision.This post is for a year in the first instance, with a three monthprobationary period, and would be ideal for a postgraduate. Thepostholder will be responsible to Dr Stacy Gillis (FWSA co-chair) in theDepartment of English, University of Newcastle.The closing date is October 1st ? to apply, send a CV and a letter ofapplication, explaining why you are suited for this post, tostacy.gillis@ncl.ac.uk .
CALL FOR PAPERSWomen and International Development ForumMichigan State University's Women and International Development (WID)program announces the re-launching of its WID Forum series. The WID Forumpublishes peer-reviewed manuscripts that bridge the gap between gender anddevelopment research, policy, and practice. Through brief research reports,project analysis, and policy briefs, WID Forum papers contribute to existinggender and development scholarship in order to influence policy andprogramming.The WID Forum is currently accepting manuscripts for review. With anemphasis on women and gender in the global South, the WID Forum invitestheoretically grounded manuscripts with applied orientations. Possibletopics include but are not limited to:* Law, legislation, and gender* Governmental policy (e.g. trade, adjustment, immigration) andgender* Gender-sensitive economic surveys* Evaluating program or project "success"* Proposed solutions to gender issues or problemsIf you are interested in submitting a manuscript to the WID Forum series,please send a 150 word abstract summarizing the paper's essential points andfindings to Dr. Anne Ferguson, Editor and Tara Hefferan, Managing Editor atpapers@msu.edu.If the abstract suggests your paper is suitable for the WID Forum, the fullpaper will be invited for peer review and publication consideration. Onlyinvited papers will be considered; unsolicited manuscripts will be rejectedwithout review.Women and International Development Program206 Center for International ProgramsMichigan State UniversityEast Lansing, MI 48824-1035, USA(517) 353-5040; fax (517) 432-4845www.isp.msu.edu/widpapers@msu.eduCALL FOR PAPERSWorking Papers on Women and International DevelopmentMichigan State University's Women and International Development (WID)program publishes Working Papers on Women and International Development, apeer-reviewed series examining the relationships between gender and globaltransformation and exploring processes of change, in the broadest sense.Presenting new understandings of women's ever-changing economic, social, andpolitical positions, Working Papers offer theoretically grounded analysis ofempirical research in order to contribute to existing literatures on genderand international development.The Working Papers series is currently accepting manuscripts for review.With a focus on women and gender in the global South, the Working Papersseries invites manuscripts that explore gender in relation to historical andcontemporary economic and political spheres. Possible topics include butare not limited to:* Gender, violence, and human rights* Gender and agriculture* Gender dimensions of globalization and transnationalism* Gender, health, and healthcare* Gender and environment* Gender and social movements* Masculinities and international development* Fertility and reproduction* Intra- and inter-family roles and relationshipsIf you are interested in submitting a manuscript to the Working Papersseries, please send a 150 word abstract summarizing the paper's essentialpoints and findings to Dr. Anne Ferguson, Editor, and Tara Hefferan,Managing Editor, at papers@msu.edu.If the abstract suggests your paper is suitable for the Working Papers, thefull paper will be invited for peer review and publication consideration.Only invited papers will be considered for publication; no unsolicitedmanuscripts will be considered.Women and International Development Program206 Center for International ProgramsMichigan State UniversityEast Lansing, MI 48824-1035, USAPhone: (517) 353-5040Fax: (517) 432-4845Website: http://www.isp.msu.edu/widE-mail: papers@msu.edu
First edition hardcover of The Western Lands by William S. Burroughs, published by Viking in 1987. The title page is signed by the author and dated "12/17/87".http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=29223&item=6929795181
Good fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
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