sábado, junio 21, 2003

me gustan esos mails en donde alguien se disculpa o se justifica cuando ha presentado algo y a un montón de gente no le ha gustado en absoluto, aquí un ejemplo, de parte de Jbot, líder de Captured by Robots.

De: "CapturedByRobots"
Fecha: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 07:46:11 -0000
Asunto: [ASTRO] why is everyone hatin on Captured! By Robots???????

I've never posted to this Astro list before, I hope this works...
Hi Adrienne and Run around and all of youse,
Why's everyone got to be hatin' on C!BR?
Well, just so you know, We had a lot of problems in Richmond,VA, and
I was
totally off my game. That kinda thing happens, touring nationwide
without a
label can be awfully hard sometimes, physically and mentally.

Try carting around all that shit all over the country and try to
maintain it every
night, they can't all be great shows, but I try my hardest and that's
all I can do .
As far as my songs go, I like em, and that's all I really care about.
Sorry if you
don't like em. I like metal and old school funk and swearing and
garage rock,
what kind of music would you like to hear? Yeah, my lyrics are pretty
ridiculous, but so is my band. What would you like to see in a C!BR
besides less swearing and better songs? (not that we will do it or
anything...long live the sucky songs of mine!!!!)

I can't help what the robots say to me, I wish...but what are you gonna
But I do agree that the between song space has got to be shortened, but
is just so much to do to prepare for each song.

At least they are real robots, and not dressup play play robots.
Now everyone's gonna be gunnin for me.........Oh well, nothin' new


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